

All homeowners are to contact your President or Point of Contact (POC) representative should there be a problem or question regarding the landscaping .  FirstService Residential will NOT take any calls from homeowners regarding landscape issues.  The Landscape contract states that no resident, President or POC of any Association shall interfere with the daily work force of Landscape Contractors.  Your interference delays the contracted landscaping work and may also pose safety hazards for crews using mowers and power tools.

Landscape Work Orders:

POC’s and Board members please submit your work orders into your Connect Community Association Website.

Work order instruction within Connect Updated 06/28/22

Work order flow chart  Updated 07/06/22


Irrigation Work Orders are submitted through the Master Association’s work order system “UpKeep”, Please click on the Master Association tab for more information.

Tree Removal Printable

Tree Removal Fillable

Landscape Work Schedules: The landscaping schedules are tentative due to weather conditions. Some areas of mowing, detailing or pruning may be affected by these conditions. If your Association is missed due to weather conditions every effort will be made to complete the task by the end of the same or following week. Your patience is greatly appreciated, if you have any questions, please call your President or POC. Updated 4/2/18

Section 1 – Down to Earth; All Andovers, All Bedfords, All Cambridge’s, Canton Court D, All Dorchesters, All Fairfields, All Gloucesters and All Knolls

February Property Maintenance and Prune Schedule

Section 2 – Artistree; All Highgates, Idlewood, All Lancasters and Quail Pass

February Property Maintenance and Prune Schedule

Section 3 – Brightview; Princeton, All Manchesters, All Nantuckets, Oxford I & II, Radison I & II, Southampton I & II, Tremont I & II and Villeroy

February Property Maintenance and Prune Schedule

Section 4 -Russell ; Acadia I & II, Brookfield, Corinth, Devonshire, Edinburgh, Fairbourne, Grantham, Huntington, Inverness, Jameson, Kensington, Lyndhurst, Maplewood, Oakley Green, Portsmith, Richmond Villas, Somerset, Worthington and Yorkshire

February Property Maintenance and Prune Schedule